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Sistem Operasi Buatan Google - Google Chrome OS

Posted by Bani Syahroni on 2:51 PM comments (8)

Google baru saja mengumumkan peluncuran Google Operating System - Google Chrome OS. Microsoft selalu mewaspadai kehebatan pencarian Google dan baru-baru ini meluncurkan BING search engine untuk menandingi ketangguhannya. Dan sekarang, Google memberikan sebuah kejutan dengan peluncuran Google Chrome Os.

Apa itu Google Chrome OS?

Dikutip dari blog Tante Google (dan udah ditranslate tentunya):

Google Chrome OS adalah sistem operasi open source dan ringan yang pada awalnya ditargetkan untuk netbook. Kemudian, tahun ini kami akan meng-open-source-kan kodenya, dan netbook yang menggunakan Google Chrome OS akan bisa digunakan di pertengahan akhir tahun 2010. Karena kami telah membicarakan proyek ini ke partner kami, dan kami secepatnya akan bekerja bersama komunitas open source, kami ingin berbagi visi kami sekarang sehingga semua orang mengerti apa yang sedang kami coba capai.

Di bawah ini adalah rumor screenshot dari dekstop Google OS. Walaupun sepertinya ini hanya sebuah rumor, tapi bukan nggak mungkin, sih.

Google Chrome OS diklaim menjanjikan kecepatan, kemudahan dan keamanan. OS ini telah dibuat dengan sedemikian rupa yang membuatnya cepat dan ringan, untuk mulai dan membawa kita ke dunia maya dalam hitungan detik. Interface pengguna dibuat minimal untuk tetap stabil dan sebagian besar kegiatan pengguna menggunakan internet.

"Google Chrome OS akan berjalan di x86 sebagaimana chip ARM dan kami sedang bekerja dengan OEM untuk membawa sejumlah netbook ke pasaran tahun depan," kata Sundar Pichai, VP Product Management dan Linus Upson.

Buruan Daftar di DreamHost Apps

Posted by Bani Syahroni on 9:57 AM comments (2)

DreamHost Apps adalah hosting gratis yang dikhususkan membuat aplikasi-aplikasi yang terkenal kayak WordPress, Drupal, ZenPhoto, MediaWiki, dan juga fasilitas untuk mengaplikasikan Google Apps. Gimana dengan kualitasnya? Walau belum pernah pake, kemungkinan sih bagus, soalnya hosting gratis yang satu ini dibuat oleh penyedia layanan web hostung ternama Dreamhost.

Sayangnya layanan hosting DreamHost Apps nggak menyediakan fasilitas FTP dan Shell Access, dan untuk upload file-file. Jadi kalau buat wordpress nggak bisa install plugin atau theme sendiri. Tapi jangan kuatir, theme yang disediakan cukup banyak kok. Apa DreamHost Apps sama kayak wordpress.com? Beda, soalnya di sini kita bisa pake domain kita sendiri. Sedangkan kalo di wordpress.com harus bayar mahal.
Baru-baru ini, ternyata DreamHost Apps membatasi jumlah anggotanya. Gue liat di halaman daftarnya pagi ini.

Yup, tinggal 172 orang yang bisa daftar dan akan terus berkurang. So, buat kamu yang tertarik coba hosting gratis ini, buruan daftar. Siapa cepat dia dapat loh.

Buat yang pengen daftar tapi udah nggak kebagian tempat, masih ada cara lain. Yaitu minta diundang (invite) sama yang udah daftar sebelumnya. Setiap orang yang udah terdaftar di DreamHost Apps bisa meng-invite dua orang lagi.

Pets for Children

Posted by Bani Syahroni on 2:23 PM comments (2)

There are so many positive things come from having pets. Beside that, there are some important things that we have to consider. Here are 10 things that will help you make a more realistic decision.

-> Pet's type. What kind of pet do your children like? Small, big, cute, brave or what?

-> The children age. Two years old or younger children may not look after pets well. In many case, it isn't wise to buy a hamster for 2 years old children who are still adapting with their surroundings and may not know how to take care it.

-> Cost. Not only for the purchasing, but also for the treatment. Some pets are very cheap to be bought like hamster, guinea pig, gerbil, bird, fancy rat, fancy mouse, fish, rabbit or ferret. But beside its price, you have to consider about its stable, feed, bed, vet cost and holiday treatment.

-> Time. How long do your family have to spend for the pets. For small pet, you have to take it out of stable and play with it for about 2 hours.

-> Security. Is your family secure from the pets, or the opposite?

-> Room. How wide the room you need for the pets? Even small pets like guinea pig, fancy rat and ferret need a big stable to be happy. They also need sport room outside stable.

-> Effect for the surroundings. What are the impacts for family, friends, neneighbors and other animals in your house?

-> Holiday. Who will take care the pets when your family is on holiday?

-> Death. Can your family accept when the pets (moreover your lovely cats) die?

-> Pets's habbit. Some like to sleep all day and hamster can be very crowded at night.

About Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Posted by Bani Syahroni on 5:34 PM comments (5)

Every money-making bloggers want their blogs to have high-traffic. Sometimes, I'm anxious how many professional bloggers have many visitors everyday. Their blog are friendly with search engine, especially google, so that many people are brought their pages. My friend then told me something about SEO. What is SEO? Copied from Wikipedia, Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. In other words, SEO techniques are the way how to get visitors to our blogs as many as possible.

How to do SEO? Okay, there are many ways to optimize your blogs. But based on article Ways Of SEO I've read, there are seven most recomended ways. First, give what search engine want, let search engines indexed easy and quick. Select keyword(s) or statement of keyword and rational distribute in your article. Update your website content daily, at least 3-5 days. Marketing your websites. Hire expertinafield. Link to other website. And the last, use easy-to-remember domain. Using some software about SEO will also support the optimizing process.
Every google searchings for any keywords will only show 10 results per page. In fact, most people will only see page 1 and 2 from the result. And if they haven't got what they won't they will usually change the keyword. Do you think your websites will appear on the top 20? That's why you have to learn SEO. You have to make your websites more friendly with search engine.

Rapot Repot Semester Dua

Posted by Bani Syahroni on 6:50 PM comments (7)

Ya-ha! Akhirnya liburan juga. Mau pada kemana nih semua? Hhe, mendingan buruan berangkat kalo mau mah , keburu macet di perjalanan. Kalo gue sih, belom ada rencana. Bokap nggak libur kantor dan mau ke Palembang buat dinas, nyokap yang tukang tenda pasti lebih sibuk di hari libur (apalagi mau pemilu), kakak gue yang kedua belom dapet tempat kuliahan, kakak gue yang pertama mau jalan-jalan sendiri ke Semarang dan gue? Sial, masak gue harus backpacking sendiri ke luar negeri terus bikin buku berjudul "Pejalan Telanjang". Belom lagi masalah rapot gue yang menurut gue nggak terlalu bagus, nggak terlalu tinggi juga. Oke, jelek.
Rapot gue yang dibagiin hari Sabtu lalu bener-bener turun . Rata-rata nilainya kebanyakan turun, meskipun sedikit, tetep aja. Apalagi ranking gue yang turun cukup drastis, dari 19 ke 27 . Apa neraka!? Jumlah murid di kelas gue ada 33 orang, jadi kejeniusan gue termasuk tingkat membawah ke bawah. Dan lagi buat anak SBI di Smansa Bogor ada yang namanya sertifikasi, kayak ulangan umum tapi pake bahasa Inggris. Hasilnya berupa sertifikat, dan gue dapet hasil "Good" (lagi). Buat orang biasa mungkin arti good ini maksudnya bagus. Cuma buat yang udah pernah baca artikel gue di blog sebelumnya, pasti tau betapa jeleknya hasil ini .

Baru-baru ini juga gue baru meluncurkan dua blog baru yang nggak kalah absurd dari blog ini. Mungkin ada yang udah tau soalnya gue banyak blogwalking atas nama dua blog ini. Yang pertama adalah Ilusi Optik, blog yang ngebahas tentang ilusi-ilusi optik keren dan rahasianya . Dijamin mata kamu bakal terhibur sama gambar-gambar ajaib di sana. Yang kedua adalah Salah Sambung, blog ini isinya tentang berita dan informasi menarik dari dunia. Mulai dari penyebab crop circle sampe fakta-fakta menarik tentang toilet (hal yang sangat dekat dengan kita) ada . Dan berhubung dua blog ini masih sangat baru, tukeran link sangat diharapkan ya, hhe.

Sore tadi, gue dapet kabar buruk, jack. Payingpost, yang payoutnya adalah $50, baru-baru ini naik jadi $100!! Gyaa, padahal baru aja balance gue $60. dan rencananya tanggal 1 Juli nanti gue dapet uangnya, nyatanya nggak, gerah banget gue sama Payingpost nih . Padahal duit segitu kan lumayan buat beli beras buat sehari-hari. Gagal deh gue jadi kaya . Harus nunggu job lagi dari Payingpost tuh susah banget, hokinya harus gede. Soalnya munculnya jarang nggak bisa diperkirakan, dan sistemnya siapa cepat dia dapat. Udah capek-capek ngereview, dibayarnya nanti. Bisa-bisa disangka scam loh, Pay (panggilan akrab buat Payingpost).

Mungkin liburan gue kali ini bakal sedikit tersita sama kegiatan MOPP (Masa Orientasi Pramuka PMR), kayak MOS gitu cuma versi Pramuka dan PMR-nya. Dan berhubung gue (ehem) jadi ketua dari Pramuka , jadi harus siap sibuk buat ini. So, buat yang bulan Juli udah mulai jadi murid kelas X Smansa Bogor, prepare yourself for MOS (and MOPP). Dan asal tau aja ya, MOS Smansa tuh bisa bikin stres loh . Hehe. Sekali lagi, buat yang pernah baca postingan gue tentang MOS (jamannya gue), pasti tau.

Yang terakhir, gara-gara liat wallpost si Bena yang peringkat dua di Typing Maniac, sebuah game di Facebook yang mengharuskan kita ngetik kata-kata yang bejibun, gue jadi tertarik buat mainin nih game. Berhubung gue seorang blogger yang notabenenya sering banget ngetik, gue ngerasa bakal gampang ngemaininnya . Tapi saudara-saudara, ternyata maininnya susah banget . Gue paling banter level 9 alias manusia purba. Nggak kebayang gue secepet apa si Bena yang udah level 30 atau alien. Pokoknya game ini seru banget deh, patut dicoba nih.

How to Choose a Great Domain Name

Posted by Bani Syahroni on 6:40 PM comments (1)

When I was browsing, I found a good article about how to choose a great domain name. Well, I like this kind of article because I'm now parking my domains on a domain parking site and it's quiet profitable. I'm going to buy some new domains to be parked. Choosing domain name for domain parking can be dificult because the domain must have wanted keyword on search engine. And these are some tips I got from the article:

1. Be easy for Web searchers to find. Yap, friendly and easy to remembereddomain name will have more chance to be clicked on search engine.

2. Help market your product or service. Don't just have a unique domain name, if it's used for a company, it must be suitable with the company's name.

3. Serve as a strong trademark, so competitors won't be able to use it or something similar.

4. Be free of legal conflicts with other trademarks. Don't be fear of other trademarks that has similiar name.

5. One website, many domain names. Other domains that have similiar and more attractive name with your domain can sabotage yours. But you can have the best of both worlds you can claim several domain names and route them all to a single website.

6. Generic names. A generic term can make a great domain name, because lots of people are likely to find your site.

7. Ordinary or Common Names. Many excellent domain names are made up of ordinary words. You should choose a domain name that is ordinary or common for your visitors.

Web Directories for Increasing Pagerank

Posted by Bani Syahroni on 3:08 PM comments (1)

Having many blogs isn't as easy as you think. Some days ago, I just bought two domains. What for? Actually, I'm now learning how to be an internet marketer because I want to make more money from it. I'm a mad-money student, aren't I? Well, my plan is to make two new blogs and increase their pagerank up to 3 and make more money from them. But, the fact is, I can't do it as easy as I thought before because managing three blogs (including this one) is harder than only one. Then, I start learning SEO (Search Engine Optimization) how to increase blog popularity quickly.

Someday, I read an article (I forgot where is it from) about Web directory. Have you heard about it? Copied from Wikipedia, a Web direcotry means a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. Why and how is it advantageous for bloggers? Basically, the purpose of a web directory is to collect information about blogs include the link. If we have submitted our blogs to website directories that have high pagerank, it means they've linked our blogs and increase our blog popularity. Some web directories need reprirocal link from our blogs so it's profitable for them.
In fact, submitting our blogs to website directories is effective in increasing pagerank, especially SEO friendly web directory. Two of the most awful website directories are DMOZ and Yahoo directory. DMOZ is a multilingual open content directory of World Wide Web links owned by Netscape that is constructed and maintained by a community of volunteer editors (wikipedia). Many bloggers said that submitting blogs to DMOZ is hard. Yeah, I think so. Compared with other web directories, DMOZ might be the most wanted one, but it's also the hardest. And Yahoo! Directory is the rivals of DMOZ, it's also a powerful web directory.